“Quincy is our wellness partner.”
- author, historian, musical sage, Harvey Kubernik


Quincy Coleman’s music has been heard worldwide through highlights such as a guest performance on NBC’s The Carson Daly Show, KCRW’s coveted Morning Becomes Eclectic, in Starbucks and other retail outlet stores around the world and Film & TV including a version of “Bridge Over Troubled Water” as heard on ABC’s Brothers & Sisters and “The Pie Song (Baby Don’t You Cry)” & “Give It Away” in Fox Searchlight’s Waitress.

In 2009 Quincy says, “I was brought back home to my Soul”, via a stage 4 cancer diagnosis. By loving and listening to its presence in the body rather than fighting it, Quincy reawakened to the call of spirit and the healing began without Western medicine or conventional treatment. Shortly after the diagnosis, while living in Nashville, the heart’s calling became less about music as a business and more about music as a service. Since then Quincy has given birth to twin boys, been transforming communities with her offerings including the Agape International Spiritual Center, Unity Churches, Baha’i Centers, Vedanta Temples, Interfaith Gatherings, Yoga events, and City Hall. From original songs steeped in consciousness and praise, to traditional call and response mantra, Quincy’s music weaves itself into an atmosphere of melodic magic and medicine that harmonizes all levels of being. This music meditation is an invitation to go inward while unifying the collective voice that celebrates oneness.


“Not only has God graced her with a gorgeous voice, her songs are undeniably catchy”.
– American Songwriter

“Quincy has all the goods, a beautiful voice, such sweet emotion and tenderness… very talented.” 
– Dolly Parton

“This unsigned artist could surely be listed among some of the great female singer-songwriters of our generation.”
– The Philadelphia Hawk

“Your ears will thank you!”
– Performing Songwriter

“..there’s a new cherub back in town with a pocket full of Spirit-driven songs for these times that are a changing’.”
– Music Connection

“Divine vocalist”
– Hybrid Magazine 


As a musical collaborator, and as a colleague in community based social work services for adults with special needs, Quincy’s authentic care and concern for others is at the center of their service offerings. Quincy is a massively talented composer, singer, producer, and performer of conscious music that not only has deep lyrical meaning and content, but a unique singing style, incredible vocal range, and ability to connect deeply with the audience that creates a dynamic and transcendent emotional experience.
As a coach and counselor, she creates a dynamic with people of trust, relaxed open communication, and a feeling of warmth that naturally draws people in. Quincy embodies a deep spiritual foundation that defines the ability to inspire and motivate others to go deeper into how to be a better person. Quincy has overcome some tremendous challenges and has been a shining example of living with faith in a higher power and the actualization of  greatness and growth. Working with Quincy has been a joy, and I highly recommend their services to assist in facilitating human potential.
~ Christo P. (Wellness & Sound Facilitator)

Quincy is truly a generational gem! Her mindful attentiveness and dedication to understanding my unique journey, has given me the strength to release my inner walls and make an intentional change, not just within but how I impact society. Quincy is a kind subtle and powerful force that has helped me unlock my true potential.
~ Aja M. (Entrepreneur)

“Quincy’s reflection is like an evening tide, so gentle, so loving. I feel deeply seen and held like a cradle of compassion and insight.”
~ Catherine D. (Actor)

Such a palpable blessing Quincy brings to us all!  And as it always happens with Quincy’s singing, some attendees shared how the offerings made them tear up in joy and devotion. Quincy transports us into divinity and oneness.
~ Jit S. (Actor/Kirtan Coordinator)

Working with Quincy was a co-creation breakthrough. I had been experiencing a lot of fear about some challenges in my life and Quincy was able to bring me back to the origin of this fear as a child. I was guided through self healing, forgiveness, self compassion, empathy and understanding for those who weren’t able to care for me in a way I needed. We collectively decided to let go of blame and instead search for truth and self ownership. The curiosity and attention to me left me feeling seen, valid and safe. Quincy is both shepherd and healer. I feel hope for our consciousness knowing that she is living and practicing her calling. Dear Quincy, you bring me light and love.
~ Jennifer T. (Nurse Practitioner)

It will forever be my distinct honor to have worked side by side with Quincy over a 12 day period where I witnessed her Shepherd someone’s soul back home. The elevated sacred space that Quincy curated, provided the most compassionate and dignified ascension for a safe departure of the person’s own timeline for his soul. His passing was of utmost peace, grace and surrender – the beauty of which I can only wish for myself and all others when we each reach that crossroad. In my humble opinion there can be no greater gift of closure to be returned to a loved one and a completion of the circle of life than a witness being there to help with the crossing over and sending them off with the love and grace. Quincy’s gifts are divinely bestowed and her connection with the higher vibration is evident. 
~ Rebecca M. (Facilitator/Witness/Care Provider)

Working with Quincy has given me some of my most profound breakthroughs for my life journey in walking the conscious path as a man of integrity.  Quincy’s intuitive insight gives me the ability to feel beyond the bullshit stories that I bring, such that she cuts right through it all to dose me with the raw truths medicine that I might not have seen on my own or have not been ready to admit to myself.  Quincy also has developed a huge bag of tools and modalities that empower her to deliver such medicine with a follow up of practices that help me stay on course on my daily walk, no matter how difficult it may feel at the time.  She’s been there for me through so much and her presence is valuable well beyond what any words can express!
I have been witness to the biggest two deaths of Quincy’s life, both her parents, as well as a couple others over the years.  That said, I can testify that her work in death designing has absolutely blown me away.  I just hope I die before her so my family and I can all experience her magic around me in my last days.  I couldn’t dream of a better way to take my final breaths here on earth than with her as my guide.  Her exquisite care, consciousness, presence, tenderness, and reverence for the process has enlightened me to the reality of death in such a beautiful way.  I’m so grateful to have witnessed Quincy here.
Quincy has a powerhouse voice that cuts through to your core and pulls you to your center like nothing I’ve ever felt before. While accompanying Quincy, I’ve never experienced a casual jam with her, because it’s always such deep medicine as soon as she sings.  She brings her heart and soul to the room, exposing it all for us to witness, thus calling us forth to do that within ourselves as well.  Epic music medicine!  
~ Jared M. (Musician/Producer)

Pictured (l-r): Andrew Keegan, Co-Founder of Full Circle Venice; Michael Mollura, Quincy Coleman, Kimberly Haynes, Joey Lugassy and Vito Gregoli.


You don’t need to look much farther than Quincy Coleman to know the Reign of the Dragon is coming to an end. But Coleman, a born and bred Hollywood Gen Xer, couldn’t give a shit about all that existential stuff right now. She’s casually on stage sound-checking for her re-coming out gig. You see, she’s lived in this town her whole life. Played at all the spots. Left, and come back, and left again, and come back again. Oh, she’s had songs in movies and TV shows, made myriad of albums, toured the country, spent time in Nashville. She’s swam in the Hollow-swamp since the world began, it seems, and has carefully and gracefully made her way through it. And now she’s Here. A Pisces arch-Angel bard, an utterly present—and talented!—Survivor about to catch a big wave, finally ready and open for wherever it takes her—and US. Ride the saints, baby.

That’s the vibe.

Like targeted prayer calls shooting out of a pink sky (her newly rosy-hair falling out from under her black velvet fedora) Coleman’s songs—folksy, fun, deep sing a-along (p)salms—don’t point fingers, don’t talk down to, or judge. The Quincy Coleman experience isn’t about judgment; it’s all about inclusion and faith.

And, well, they rock. They are at once easy to listen to and deeply moving, poetic and prayerful, catchy and sacred, chart-climbing yet pure, a proverbial musical stew I’ve never quite seen before.

Here you get a Joplin-esque lick with deep, guttural belts, that then gives way to a soaring Jeff Buckley-like wail, pleasantly repeated over and over like mantras (“I am that I am, I am that I am, I am that I am”); then right into a ballad about surviving stage 4 cancer by not fighting the disease but surrendering to it—and then vanquish it completely; and finally a repentance croon/plea thanking our CREATOR for still giving us a shot at redemption.

As a Babylonian native, Coleman is well aware that the very place she is singing, just a block from the infamous BLVD. of discarded souls, was not-too-long-ago acres of sprawling fruit orchards, nut farms, and valleys and mountains of Edenic beauty plunging down to warm, creamy beaches and a skin-tingling, cleansing ocean. Not too long ago. I feel it consciously, and sometimes unconsciously, sprinkled, like Angelic dusk-feathers, all over the tunes. It’s soaked into the lyrics, the openness and honesty of the words. Her voice seems to be bathed in a big, blue blessing of a Full Moon SPOTlight, a voice able to seemingly traverse across all octave stages, sometimes even effortlessly juggling 3 or 4 in the same song.

She also understands the art of theatre. It’s in her blood. Bones. Soul. She knows it inside and out, up and down. And tonight she’s conjuring all these hard-won tools into a body of songs, beginning the urgent task of writing the soundtrack for our new era: THE GREAT AWAKENING.

In these end times, Coleman’s songs are buoyant gems—preciously and playfully—carved to be played on our great CREATOR’S jukebox.

Coleman’s stage is simple and intimate—a four-piece band that swells to a six with a rousing recitation of the prayer/poem “OUR FATHER.” But for all the nakedness, you can never quite fully see Coleman. Can’t quite get a fix on her. She’s always shifting, like Technicolor mist or something. Her audience is her covenant and her rainbow of characters play out the drama of her hymns. She bounces from Glory to CREATOR quips to cursing like a sailor (“I only try to use 3 curse words a night”; tonight she had 4!) to having a moment of silence for her friend’s mom who had just passed on….”transitioned.” Then back into a joyously somber sing-along.

While Coleman is no doubt the center of this musical ministry, she is a humble and enigmatic one, like a sci-fi figure from the future that’s come back with tales and visions and…secrets. The perfect plum role-of-a-lifetime: Balancing and thriving on the tricky vine of faith vs what we know, and singing and strumming her ass off about it.

And then, just like that, it’s over. Or is it? If you’ve been paying attention, you too are now balancing on that sweet and slippery vine, hymn-ing her songs in the car while cruising by the fast food joints, bars, and massage dens of Babylon. But don’t fret, there’s new cherub back in town with a pocket full of Spirit-driven songs for these times that are a changin’.

Hallelujah! (And don’t fuck with her.)

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