
I am a certified Death Doula and consider it a privilege to stand in a traditional role of holding space for both the individual preparing for their transition as well as holding space for their loved ones. This includes the process that takes place before and in the wake of transition, holding sacred all that is moving in, as, and through everyone involved. Having served as a volunteer with The Twilight Brigade ~ Compassion in Action at the VA Hospital in Los Angeles sitting at the bedside of the terminally ill for 7 years, co-creating a container for the Spirit’s release and the body’s last breath for both my mother and my father, and navigating my own stage IV cancer diagnosis without western medicine or conventional treatment since 2009, I cherish the opportunity to be present with the wonder, magic, and medicine of a Beloved’s journey home.

~ May we dive into the soil that fertilizes our Souls like only a Beloved’s last breath can 
and may we marinate in the magic that something greater has just begun.


In addition to the traditional role of a Death Doula, it is my passion to facilitate and co-create with you, opportunities of identifying, grieving, and releasing the layers of trauma we hold onto in order to cultivate the Soul’s voice and birthright for peace and midwifing the body’s preparation for its last breath throughout all stages of life. 

~ What is the healing needed for the Soul to be at peace?

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